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Letter of Congratulations to President Elect Barack Obama

Stephen L. Naman

The Honorable Barack Obama  
United States Senate  
Washington, D.C. 20510  
Dear President Elect Obama:  
The American Council for Judaism extends our heartfelt congratulations on your historic victory. Please know that you can count on our best wishes and support as you assume the duties of the President and Commander in Chief of our beloved nation.  
Formed during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt by progressive American civic, philanthropic, and religious leaders of the Jewish faith, the American Council for Judaism has worked with the government and private citizens to promote the American Jewish Experience: an understanding of and reflection on the truly special life we have as American Jews; the role we have played in the founding and growth of our country; the religious and political freedoms we share; and our rights and obligations as proud, patriotic citizens of this great democratic country we call our home.  
Your message of hope, freedom and opportunity resonates with our members, as it does with people across this great land and around the world. These are difficult times, with an economic crisis at home and abroad, two wars, chronic energy shortage, global warming, and the threats of fanatical enemies who are deathly afraid of freedom and tolerance. We are confident that under your leadership, America will be a great force for good in the world. May the Good Lord, who has so blessed America, grant you and all those who serve with you wisdom, strength and compassion in the coming years.  
Please accept our condolences on the loss of your grandmother.  
Very respectfully,  
Stephen L. Naman, President  
On Behalf of the Board of Directors  
American Council for Judaism, Inc.  

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